It’s a well-known fact that exercise makes us feel better so we thought we would ask the Chew Valley’s very own exercise guru ‘Lynne Joyner,’ for her tips on staying healthy at this time. Vist Lynne’s dig the valley page for website and booking details for all her classes.
1.) Lynne, you and your team have fully embraced the challenges of lockdown working, what would be your top three tips for those who are just returning to working now?
Tip 1 – When it comes to exercise, plan ahead, and work out how to fit in exercise/activity/walking into your new routine.
Tip 2 – It’s going to be a change of routine for everyone and for some, less time to be active – be prepared for this transition period mentally it may be frustrating not to fit in what you have been doing. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Tip 3 – It can be frustrating as classes etc and venues aren’t open yet and there will be a phase while they all adjust to social distancing and complying with ever-changing government regulations. We will find solutions and embrace the new normal for maintaining our fitness together.
2.) Which have been your most popular online classes during this time?
Pilates has been the most popular – especially lying down mat-based pilates on Friday mornings! You can sign up here if you would like to join us.
3.) For those who are struggling to engage with online exercise classes what would you suggest as alternatives?
I have been emailing out videos for pilates, Bootcamp, barre, and bodyweight exercises. I also have a slow Zumba DVD for sale, perfect for those who want to exercise in their own time and space. Otherwise cycling, walking running gardening, or even playing with children or grandchildren. Put some favorite music on and dance…. perhaps the twist or active songs that make you want to move, whether its hip hop, 90’s or 70s disco or rock!. I can email exercise plans by PDF so do get in touch if you need some more ideas.
4.) Last month was ‘Mental Health Awareness Week,’ what are your tips for
maintaining positive mental health during this time?
Eat well – wholesome brightly coloured food as unprocessed as possible. protein with every meal to avoid dips in sugar levels and associated moods. Enjoy your glass of wine or G and T etc but too much can be a depressant. Exercise or be active in what you enjoy and get your happy hormones flowing. Walking outside in the fresh air is one of the best ways – enjoy the sunshine to get your daily dose of vitamin D, even wrapping up on the cold dreary days will refresh and revitalise you. You can now go on socially distanced walks now so phone a friend and get that double benefit!
5.) Lots of us are finding a basic daily routine is helping us at this time – what have you added to your day that you didn’t have time for before?
I have had new challenges that have eaten up my time but I have managed to get back onto my strength and conditioning course, do my homework and watch films!
6.) What have you noticed in the Valley that you didn’t before?
Louder birdsong and the beauty of the hedgerows and our surroundings – I am usually whizzing around in my car so it’s been nice to take some time out and go for runs /cycle rides
7.) When you are not working, what’s your favourite Saturday night in now we can’t go out?
That’s easy, listening to the Isolation Station with a glass of wine, a nice dinner in and then feet up to watch a movie!
8.) Have you taken up any new hobbies?
Not really had time! But I did bake a cake for Elliot!
9.) Best film or series watched during the lockdown?
Killing Eve!
10.) Who would you nominate as your ‘good seed,’ / local hero next month and why?
Apart from all keyworkers, Miles and Luca – the radio station and the pub selling food to takeaway etc with deliveries and showcasing local business. Superb service. they have such a heart for the community. Brightens up my week!
Last in silly series but highlights benefits of #pilates for #core #corestability and #corestrength – #wholebodyworkout
It bridges the gap#running #cycling #diving #weighttraining #mixed #abilty
#athletes #antenatal #postnatalJoin me+tag friend who wants free session
— Lynne Joyner (@LynneJoyner) May 26, 2020